Courses taught as the instructor of record

Math 314 Linear Algebra
Spring 2022, 33 students

Math 300 Mathematics Matters
Spring 2020, 22 students
I administered the last six weeks of this course online due to COVID-19.

Math 203 Contemporary Mathematics
Spring 2019, 30 students

Math 107 Calculus II
Spring 2023, 85 students

Math 106 Calculus I
Summer 2020, 34 students
This was an online class as part of the university response to COVID-19.

Math 104 Applied Calculus
Summer 2019, 17 students

Math 103 College Algebra and Trigonometry
Fall 2020, 34 students
This class used a flexible hybrid model to accommodate for social distancing regulations due to COVID-19.

Fall 2019, 39 students
In Fall 2019 I taught this course in person.

Math 101 College Algebra
Fall 2021, 4 students
This class is part of the federal outreach and student services program TRIO meant to identify and provide services to eligible students from disadvantaged backgrounds. The class meets 5 times per week rather than the typical 3 and has extra office hours and a smaller class size than other sections.

Fall 2018, 41 students

Courses taught as a teaching assistant

Math 107 Recitation Calculus II
Summer 2018, 21 students

Math 106 Recitation Calculus I
Spring 2018 (2 sections), 22 students & 23 students
Fall 2017 (2 sections), 22 students & 28 students

Courses for which I was a grader

Math 871 Topology I
Fall 2022

Math 856 Differential Topology
Spring 2022

Math 310 Introduction to Modern Algebra
Spring 2023

Math 104 Applied Calculus
Fall 2019 & Fall 2022

Other mentoring or teaching experience

Polymath Jr.- Symmetric Union Presentations for Ribbon Links
Summer 2022
I served as a graduate student mentor in Alex Zupan's undergraduate research project in symmetric union presentations for ribbon links with 24 students as a part of the program, Polymath Jr.

Polymath Jr.- Knotted Surfaces
Summer 2021
I served as a graduate student mentor in Alex Zupan's undergraduate research project in knotted surfaces with 22 students as a part of the program, Polymath Jr.

Math 103 College Algebra and Trigonometry Associate Convener
Fall 2020-Spring 2021
I organized weekly instructor meetings, created a course schedule, and wrote exams
I ran biweekly course content meetings with the learning assistants in Fall 2020.

Math Landscapes Seminar
Spring 2021
I organized the math landscapes seminar and panel for 11 first year graduate students.

Topology Qualifying Exam Workshop
Winter 2020
I created a database of past topology qualifying exam problems and helped 3 graduate students prepare for the exam.

Peer Mentorship Program
Fall 2019-Spring 2020
I served as a peer mentor to a first year graduate student.

Directed Reading Program
Spring 2020
I met weekly with an undergraduate student as she worked through An Interactive Introduction to Knot Theory by Inga Johnson and Allison Henrich.