
Ph.D. in mathematics, expected 2023
University of Nebraksa-Lincoln

M.S. in mathematics, 2019
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

B. A. with majors in mathematics and Spanish, minor in English, 2017
Willamette University

Courses Taken at UNL

Topics in Topology (4-Manifolds)
Math 990

Topics in Discrete Math (Geometry and Probability in High Dimensions)
Math 958

Topics in Topology (Knot Theory)
Math 990

Research on the Learning of Mathematics
Math 996

Topics in Discrete Math (Coding Theory)
Math 958

Theory of Groups (Nonpositive Curvature in Groups)
Math 911

Topics in Topology (Algebraic Topology)
Math 990

Differential Topology
Math 856

Algebra I
Math 901

Topics in Topology (Hyperbolic Geometry)
Math 990

Theory of Groups (Group Homology)
Math 911

Math 896

Real Analysis I & II
Math 921 & 922

Discrete Math I & II
Math 850 & 852

Topology I & II
Math 871 & 872

Introduction to Modern Algebra I & II
Math 817 & 818

Mathematical Analysis I & II
Math 825 & 826